Tag: alluvione

Valanghe e alluvioni a Mocoa

Solidarity with Colombian cooperatives: disaster in Mocoa

On the night between 1 and 2 April, violent rains hit the area of ​​Mocoa, department of Putomayo (southwestern Colombia), causing avalanches and flooding. The victims are 311, including 100 children. Local authorities have handed over 237 bodies to families, which means that there are still 75 missing bodies.
The department of Putumayo borders the Cauca, where Coopermondo is developing the AGRICOOP Colombia and AGRICOOP Mujer projects. Moreover Mocoa is just 250 km from Popayan, the main city of the Cauca Region. Coopermondo expresses its sympathy and solidarity with its local partner the Confederación de Cooperativas de Colombia – Confecoop, who called to action the Colombian and the international cooperative movement: Coopermondo feels very close to this drama and is committed to being at the forefront to offer its own cooperation.
Based on the sixth cooperative principle – cooperation among cooperatives – Confecoop Colombia promotes a fundraising for the recovery of cooperatives in Mocoa. It takes so contribute to the normalization of operations that will guarantee the same services and attention to the thousands of members and their families. The collection of resources aims to ensure the stability and permanence of the region’s cooperatives that associate more than 14,000 people: once the time of emergency due to avalanche is passed, Confecoop will assess the situation of cooperatives and, based on the funding received, it will establish projects and actions to execute.

Make a donation now for the victims of this tragedy to Coopermondo:
IBAN: IT26A0832703235 000000002903
Bank: BCC di Roma
Object: “Solidarity to Mocoa cooperatives, Colombia

Coopermondo will keep donors informed on how Confecoop will use the funds raised.