23-30 of April: “Co-operative week”

  L’evento organizzato da Cooperatives Europe per celebrare il 2012-IYC. Durante la settimana si celebrerà anche l’Assemblea dei soci di Cooperatives Europe   The United Nations has declared 2012 as the International Year of Co-operatives, encouraging all memberstates and relevant stakeholders to take advantage of it to establish policies, laws and regulations conduciveto the formation, growth and stability of co-operatives.  At European level the main event of the International Year will be the Co-operative Week, which will be heldin Brussels from 23 to 27 April 2012. The Co-operative Week aims to get a wide recognition and integrationof the co-operative business model into EU strategies. An event organized by the different European co-operative organizations at European level will animateeach day of the week.  All European co-operative sectors will participate in the week: banking, agriculture,housing, retail & consumers as well as industry & services.  www.coopseurope.coop  Programme

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