A celebration of the Co-operative enterprise model

The International Co-operative Alliance is extremely proud to announce the launch of its official book in commemoration of the United Nations Year of Co-operatives, a book filled with 100 co-operative stories which resonate well beyond the year and into the Co-operative Decade.

This high quality, visually stunning production highlights the achievements of both the international co-operative sector and those individuals behind our powerful movement. It tells moving personal stories and examines how co-operatives of scale ensure their ongoing success.

Building a Better World: 100 stories of co-operation is a collection of inspiring stories of co-operatives drawn from all around the globe. 

The book demonstrates how our model of enterprise not only survives but flourishes in the face of crisis, whether economic downturn, humanitarian crisis like civil war or natural disasters like earthquakes and drought. It paints a picture, in human terms, of a financial model for the future.

To pre-order your Books visit www.icashop.coop/iyc-book


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