New President Francesco Carri: “We will strengthen what has been done so far”

Francesco Carri, current president of ICRREA Banca SpA, is the new President of Coopermondo. “I am very honored to have the opportunity to devote myself to the world of international cooperation. We will aim to strengthen and to improve what has been done so far without ever forgetting that the center of each project are relationships, participation and sharing“, said the new President on the sidelines of the Executive Council that yesterday, May 12, 2015 , he has renewed the charges. Expert in the financial world, a degree in economics, Francesco Carri is professor of business and has always worked in the field of co-operative banks – BCC.

 Alongside Carri, Claudia Fiaschi has been appointed as Vice President. Her commitment to the Italian third sector is well known (until 2013 she was Chairman of the consortium CGM). Fiaschi is currently Vice President and President of Confcooperative Confcooperative Tuscany. “Co-operatives have the ability to create development from what they find on the territories and they represents an inclusive business model that naturally promotes values ​​of sustainability, essential for promoting a more just and fair economy” she said in a recent video interview, proving to marry Coopermondo’s mission. Fiaschi also stressed the importance of putting more emphasis to strengthening the role of international cooperation and Coopermondo in Confcooperative and Federcasse system.


  The new board have also appointed as counsellors Sergio Gatti, Director General Federcasse; Paolo Tiozzo, President of Federcoopesca; Stefano Lazzarini, President of Confcooperative Forlì-Cesena; Sergio Bonetti, National Councillor of Confcooperative and Director of FederazioneSanità and Confcooperative Lombardy; Andrea Ferraris, Vice President and President Confcooperative Piemonte Federcultura, Tourism and Sport; Marco Pagano, President Confcooperative Puglia.

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