Tag: Agricoop

Coopermondo visita las fincas de Ortega

Coopermondo visits Ortega community (Cauca) with ARN

Coopermondo has started an exchange of experiences in the field of cooperativism and associativity in partnership with the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), which is dedicated to the reintegration into Colombian society of demobilized persons from armed groups in the margin of the law.
The week of February 5 to 11 Coopermondo has been in the Cauca Region where it has visited the community of Ortega, made up of 120 families dedicated to coffee production. Fernando Bragado, Coordinator of Coopermondo in Colombia, states: “In this recognition phase, the associative initiatives of Ortega are being visited to identify opportunities to be strengthened as well as identify where it is possible to articulate institutional offers.” Additionally, he shared with the group the experiences of the agreements with SENA in the department of Valle and the impact it has had on the Vallecaucanos peasants.
During the visit, a recognition of the territory was made by the delegates of Coopermondo, representatives of the ARN, the Departmental Committee of Coffee Growers and the International Organization for Migration – IOM. The tour of the area was guided by Eymer Muñoz, Technician of the Departmental Committee of Coffee Growers, allowing visitors to learn about the production processes of the 13 lots of coffee crops and the associative work that has been carried out so far in the community of the Ortega corregimiento.
In addition, the tour allowed the delegates of the different organizations to visit the estate of Mr. Pedro Quina, one of the oldest associates of the area, who completed his reintegration process, and today manages to cultivate together with his 4 children more than 1,000 coffee plants, achieving recognition in the community for their discipline and product excellence. In the territory it was identified that the hectares of coffee crops are divided by families of people in the process of reintegration, each one belonging to between 1 and 2.5 hectares.
The community initiative in Ortega – Cajibío, is one of the pioneering projects in Colombia within the framework of the reintegration process, Ángela María Medina, Coordinator of the ARN Cauca Territorial Group, said: “The articulated work between the community and the support of the institutionality , has generated great opportunities from the process of reintegration that have resulted in benefits in the productive associative processes of Ortega coffee growers ».
The Italian NGO, Coopermondo, seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development through the creation of new cooperatives at international level. In Colombia, it has signed 4 agreements with the SENA and offers technical assistance in the training of trainers in associative issues. It also has 18 pilot programs in corregimientos of Cauca and Valle del Cauca.
Taking into account Coopermondo’s extensive experience in cooperative issues, the ARN explained the work carried out in the corregimiento of Ortega with a population in the process of reintegration, in order to exchange experiences and evaluate the possibility of working together with the SENA, in such a way that it is possible to train the population and obtain more effective results in terms of production and associativity.
(Adapted from reintegración.gov.co)
Coopermondo Malta

Coopermondo for sustainable development at Coops Europe’s GA

Coopermondo’s Director, Danilo Salerno, illustrated Coopermondo and its members experience during the international development cooperation workshop that took place this morning at Cooperatives Europe General Assembly, where yesterday the new president Jean Luis Bancel has been elected.
The workshop, coordinated by Dame Pauline Green, form President of the International Cooperative Alliance, focused on Cooperatives Europe’s work on international cooperation through its  group formed by 10 partner organizations dedicated to this sector – Cooperatives Europe Development Platform CEDP
Coopermondo’s work has been presented through its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals in the AGRICOOP project in Colombia where the NGO of Confcooperative is active in 5 different regions to strengthen and promote solidarity and cooperative economy, working with indigenous peoples and women groups, in partnership with the Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA.
Moreover Salerno valorized the “WomeNpowerment in Coops” project, a working group that Coopermondo set up with the Commission of Women Manegers of Confcooperative in order to form a group of Italian cooperators expert on gender issues in development.
“The three case studies presented this morning has been the most impressive ones I had recently the chance to listen to. Danilo Salerno illustrated the Colombia project and how Coopermondo is contributing in building social cohesion in a post-conflict situation. How? By building trust, that is at the basis of cooperatives, in areas where people used to fight one against the other or were engaged in narcotraffic activities”, Dame Pauline Green declared.
The slides of Director Salerno’s presentation can be downloaded: Coopermondo_Malta_28042017
The video “From illicit crops to acquacolture cooperatives” that has been recorded in Cauca with some trouts producers Coopermondo works with.


Happy holidays from Coopermondo

An intense year that has brought us huge satisfactions, is now getting to an end. We grew in terms of working team in order to be ready to the increasing demands coming from the NGO world and to give new opportunities to our members in terms of Italian, European and International grants. We grew in terms of projects and beneficiaries: in Colombia we started a long-term program that, within the framework of the Peace Accord signed between the Government and the FARC, will contribute in reconstructing the economic and social tissue in the country; in Cameroon we begun a collaboration with IFAD (the UN Fund for Rural Development) within the MoU framework we signed last year; we have renovated our agreement with the Government of Togo, signing our commitment to strengthen young cooperator in the country; and we have reinforced our partnership with the Italian NGO CEFA in Kenya and Mozambique. We also grew in terms of network within the organizations associated to Confcooperative that are dedicated to international cooperation and that we want to represent and accompany to strengthen their actions in the world.
In 2016 our efforts and work have been recognized at multiple level. The International Cooperative Alliance awarded our pledge as the most relevant within their members to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Colombia the SENA (National Service for Professional Education – Ministry of Labour), our local partner, have appreciated our work in many public and official occasions. People we work with in the latin america country – the beneficiaries, the instructors, the local producers – with their smiles, enthusiasm and their will to build a better world, are our greatest satisfaction. Same in Togo where, jointly with Federcasse and the pool of cooperative banks, we brought a group of young cooperators that had the chance to share with togoloean youth their experiences and show that it is easy to build bridges within cultures that seems so different but have many things in common.
An intense year is getting to an end but there are many premises that 2017 will be even brighter. We will also reach our first important goal: 10 years of international cooperation in March 2017! Coopermondo is now mature to celebrate.
People are at the centre of our way of working: this is our strength and this is what we will never renounce. And to YOU all, that have contributed to support us, we dedicate this 2016. Keep on being with us because without your cooperation our results would not have the same sweet taste.

Merry Christmas and a 2017 of peace and solidarity for all!


Francesco Carri (President)
Claudia Fiaschi (Vice President)


Going ahead with the four AGRICOOP projects

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From 20 September to 1 October 2016 a technical mission, formed by Coopermondo’s team, traveled to Colombia to implement the first phase of the AGRICOOP project in partnership with the Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA). The program aims to realize a need assesment and, together with the experts of the SENA and Confecoop (the Colombian Cooperative Confederation), training activities, technical assistance and support to the creation of new cooperatives in three regions of the country (Cauca, Valle del Cauca and San Andrés)
The mission was formed by the Camilla Carabini (Communication Manager and coordinator of the Project “WomeNpowerment – Women cooperators and cooperating in the world” by Coopermondo), Giovanni Pausini – Agricultural expert Coopermondo, Alessandra Nasti – expert in fisheries and aquaculture of CIRSPE – and Graziano Molon – tourism expert and culture of Trentino Wine Consortium – Trentino Federation of Cooperation. The mission was led by Fernando Bragado, project manager of Coopermondo in Colombia and Luisa Fernanda Gallo, head of AGRICOOP project for the SENA.
The Agricoop project in the Cauca region is divided into two projects:
AGRICOOP 2.0 which aims to provide technical assistance to trout farmers in improving the quality of production and in improving associationism to generate economies of scale in procurement of inputs, processing and marketing. Alessandra Nasti has worked with trout producers showing them the Italian cooperative system and dialoguing with them to understand what strategic activities to perform.
The three experts have then carried out a day of training and exchange of experiences with the SENA technicians in agriculture, tourism and aquaculture.
AGRICOOP Mujer working with more than 300 women in a process of gender empowerment through the creation and strengthening of craft associations and agricultural cooperatives. Camilla Carbini has participated in a conference on the role of women in post-conflict organized, among others, by the Spanish Cooperation, and has carried on an activity with the women of the project, enhancing the content and expertise made available by the Women’s Committee of Confcooperative.
Carlos Acero, president of Confecoop Colombia (strategic ally of Coopermondo in the country), participated to a successful day of exchanging experiences and strategic planning with farmers and aquaculture of the Valle del Cauca region at Buga. In addition, Coopermondo’s experts were able to visit a farm and an association of women who produce medicinal plants and herbs.
In the archipelago of San Andrés and Providencia a continuous brain storming has characterized the activities of the experts.
Graziano Molon has been able to assess the tourism sector through an analysis of the local offer in terms of attractions, transport and accommodation. The phenomenon of “Posaderas”, native women who provide rooms within their own houses to accommodate tourists and allow them to live a 100% native experience, was also studied.
Alessandra Nasti has worked with the local fishermen to observe the artesanal fishing methods that are used inside the reef and gave them some options for the development of fishing tourism.
In the lush, green island, where, however, over 80% of the food consumed is imported, Giovanni Pausini has got to analyze possible systems of hydroponics and aquaponics and agricultural development on the island to lighten the weight of imports in terms of food safety and security.
The whole mission has experienced moments of intense emotion when on Tuesday, September 27 the President of the Republic of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, signed the final peace agreement with the FARC leader in Cartegena: it was an historical event which was possible to attend live together to the project partners. In an atmosphere of optimism for a lasting peace, the victory of the NO in the referendum has displaced Colombians partners and Coopermondo’s team, however, they will all continue to work to bring peace to Colombia and to give support to the people with whom they have already started working.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”5303,5308,5313,5323,5328,5333,5338,5363,5358,5373,5378,5383,5388,5428,5448,5453,5493,5498,5503,5508,5513,5518,5523,5528,5533,5478″ title=”Foto della Missione”][/vc_column][/vc_row]