Creating cooperatives to promote peace. The role of cooperation in many post-conflict areas, such as Colombia, Mozambique and Palestine, is the central theme of the international conference “Peace & Food: the co-operative model for social cohesion” organized by Coopermondo – Confcooperative in partnership with the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23rd, from 14.00 to 18.00 in the Auditorium of Cascina Triulza at EXPO Milano 2015.
Among the guests the Minister Caterina Bertolini, Director General for Latin America of the Directorate General for Global Affairs of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; a delegate of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; Mario Raffaelli, president of AMREF and former delegate of the Italian government for the peace process in Mozambique; Georgeanton IE Ghattas, who coordinates Federcasse project Federcasse in Palestine; Rafael Gonzalez of Organizaciones Solidarias de Colombia, an entity of the Ministry of Labour Osvaldo Castelletti expert Senior Program DRET of the European Union Delegation to Colombia and Ecuador; Rodolfo Bacci Trespalacios from Finagro, the bank of the second level of the Ministry of Agriculture of Colombia and Carlos Ernesto Acero, the Executive Chairman of Confecoop Colombia (the National Confederation of Cooperatives of Colombia).
After the conference, the signing of a series of international cooperation agreements between Coopermondo and several ministerial agencies of the Republic of Colombia will follow. Aim of the agreements is to strategically strengthen associativism and cooperatives in areas characterized by high rates of conflict.
The organizers will provide tickets to attend the event, but in order to participate it is necessary to register by filling this online form or by sending an email to