EXPO Event – Public-private partnership for a good internationalization

How to combine business internationalization and development cooperation in the modern paradigm of the Italian and European Cooperation? How does the international experience of cooperatives differs from that of more traditional businesses, devoted mainly to profit? Which is the best way to support social impact investing in order to attract foreign investment to foster Italian cooperation?

 Coopermondo – Confcooperative, in partnership with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, organizes a symposium to find an answer to these questions, recounting past experiences and outlining strategies for the future. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21 from 10:30 to 13:30 in the Auditorium of Cascina Triulza – of which Confcooperative is Official Sponsor – in EXPO Milan 2015.  Roberto di Meglio of the International Labour Organization (ILO) will report the results of the United Nations Third Forum for Local Development that will be held in Turin some weeks before the event. In the debate will partecipate also Alessandra Spinelli, an expert on financial instruments of the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the European Commission to present the initiatives in support of electrification and agribusiness to Developing Countries.  Experiences of the cooperative world will report direct experiences of their projects in the world. Stefano Granata, president of the Cooperative Group CGM, will show how cooperatives and social enterprises can internationalize the Italian experience and attract investment in the third sector; Bruno Cassola, from the ICCREA Banking Group, will present the tools provided by cooperative finance for small and medium enterprises that want to explore new horizons; Marco Daniele Ferri, Federlavoro-Confcooperative, and Giuseppe Salomoni, President of the Cooperative Edile Appennino, will illustrate their commitment to international initiatives. Finally, a project funded by the Directorate General of the Italian Development Cooperation will be presented: the “Africa Milk Project” for the development of a milk chain that Granarolo and the NGO CEFA Onlus have developed in Tanzania and that won the award for best project in EXPO 2015.  Given the narrowness of the seats in the room, you must register to participate filling out the Registration Form. The organizers will provide free admission to Expo, subject to availability of tickets.

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