EXPOrting solidarity for economical, social and environmental sustainability. Promoting the creation of decent jobs with particular attention to gender equality and the empowerment of young people. That is the spirit that animates Italian and European co-operatives that carry on more than 270 development cooperation projects in over 78 countries worldwide.
And that is the spirit that will characterize the international conference “Feeding the planet Post-2015: decent job, youth and gender equality” to be held on Monday, June 15th, 2015 from 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. in the auditorium of Cascina Triulza in EXPO Milano 2015 by Coopermondo (the Association for International Development Cooperation promoted by Confcooperative) and the Directorate General for Cooperation Development of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
The event aims to discuss issues of food security and the fight against hunger, to send a strong message in favor of the new agenda for development and the sustainable development goals that the United Nations will approve in September 2015.
The first part of the event will outline, through storytelling and direct experiences, the role that Italian and European co-ops are playing in developing countries to reduce poverty, improve the efficiency of supply chains and give strength and power to farmers.
A debate more oriented on policy-making will follow and it will count on the participation of international speakers such as Simel Esim, director of Co-operative Unit at International Labour Organisation (ILO), who will show how cooperatives create decent jobs and Nora Ourabah Haddad from FAO, that will bring the experience of the United Nation in the fight against poverty. Klaus Niederlander, Director of Cooperatives Europe, Sergio Gatti, Director of Federcasse (Federation of Cooperative Banks) and Claudia Fiaschi, Vice President at Confcooperative, will close the event highlighting European and Italian cooperative movement‘s efforts in creating new jobs and start-up especially for youth and women.
It is possible to download the programme
Participants must register at this link or by sending an email to dgcs.eventi@esteri.it To those who confirm their participation, and according to seats availability, the organizers will provide a free entrance to Expo, valid for the entire day of June 15th. More logistic details will follow.
Follow the event on Twitter #CoopsPost2015 and #CoopsEXPO2015