The project is part of a 7-year program implemented by IFAD in Cameroon (The Commodity Value Chain Support Project – PADFA). Coopermondo, together with network partners Confcooperative Piemonte, Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, Gestcooper and Association Risicoltori Piemontesi will strengthen rice production chain through the cooperative development.
The initiative intends to implement a pilot project for the promotion and development of entrepreneurship within the PADFA project cooperatives, contributing to the strengthening of the technical, organizational and advocacy capacities for agricultural cooperatives of the rice sector incurred by the project.
Four missions are planned in Cameroon as long as an exchange visit in Italy. The first mission consists in the identification of training needs and modes of delivery (participatory diagnosis). A second mission will focus on the identity and cooperative values and the management of a cooperative venture. A third mission will focus on the rice supply chain, while the last one will be devoted to the elaboration of a Business Plan.
The beneficiaries of the training will be 112 and the co-operatives that will receive technical assistance in the field will be 9 (an average of 200 members per cooperative therefore more than 1800 indirect beneficiaries)
The visit to Italy is scheduled for February 2017 and the beneficiaries may participate in fairs organized by the Rice cooperatives in Piedmont.