“Agricoop Colombia” is a medium/long term program that Coopermondo has in the country in order to contribute to the development of a cooperative and solidarity economy, social inclusion and valorization of the territories within the framework of the Peace agreements.
The project started with a pilot project (2015-2016) “Agricoop Colombia – The Italian Cooperative Model for Social Inclusion”, funded by the Italo – Latin American Institute and developed by Coopermondo in partnership with Confecoop Colombia, also in order to strengthen the regional offices of Confecoop Cauca and Confecoop Valle.
The pilot was intended to create a trust network among 60 producers engaged in five different sectors (qinoa, coffee, panela, fruits and aquaculture). The project brought together 60 small producers, including 36 women and 4 indigenous Misak, representatives of 34 agricultural organizations in the territory and indirectly benefited over 6,000 people. In February 2016 the pilot phase concluded with the main result of having created solid and trusting relationships among people living in one of the most dangerous regions of Colombia.
The project continues with a framework agreement between Coopermondo and the Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA that was signed in June 2015 during an event held at EXPO Milan.
I DERIVED AGREEMENT Coopermondo – SENA (2016)
Objective is to outline the future development of the program in three regions (Cauca, Valle del Cauca and San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina) and in three sectors (agricolture, aquaculture and sustainable tourism).
The three missions (two in Colombia and one mission – visit to Italy) have brought experts from the Italian cooperative sector in the areas of interest to provide training and technical assistance to 125 SENA trainers and 125 local producers from the regions concerned. It also allowed 10 Colombian instructors to visit Italy and meet directly some of the Italian cooperative excellencies as well as the Director General of SENA, Alfonso Prada, together with the Colombian Ambassador in Italy, Juan Mesa Zuleta. Also the invitation to the reception by President Santos in Italy of the cooperative guild Confcooperative.
The Italian experts who participated in both missions come from the Confcooperative system and in particular from:
C.I.R.S.P.E. – Italian Research and Study Center for Fishery
CRPV – Research Center for Vegetal Productions
Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione (Regional Federation of Trentino Alto Adige)
Federlavoro e Servizi (Sectoral Federation of labor and service cooperatives)