The project regards the communities of a semi-desert area of Karamoja. A basic health education activity is carried out to improve the hygiene, the proper nutrition, the prevention of various diseases to contain the high level of mortality, especially the child mortality. The Operators “community workers”, which refer to Kanawat Health Centre, run by the Comboni Sisters, go three afternoons per week to the villages. The health education activity is carried out through direct lessons and the use of active methodologies, with small comedies that “dramatize” the issues, in addition to laboratory tests supported by a methodology VCT (Voluntary Counselling Testing), in particular in regard to the HIV / AIDS problems. The contribution requested from Solidea has been used to support the cost of the operators’ salaries, for the accommodation of the minimum infrastructures for the transport (essential road network, spare parts), and for buying a new tractor shared with the Diocese of Kotido which also serves as a transport medium for the health education services in the most inaccessible areas and to cope with the reconstruction of the tank for diesel of the Centre, broken as a result of bad weather