This project aims at supporting local population in the creation of vegetable gardens, in water conservation and harvesting of crops. Through better access to water, for domestic and productive uses, and better access to the market, through resistant crops such as sorghum, soybeans and beekeeping, the beneficiaries will have the opportunity to diversify their livelihoods and consequently to develop effective strategies to reduce and manage the risks of severe droughts, which are often the cause of hunger and malnutrition both in children and adults in these areas.
In order to encourage and facilitate sustainable lifestyles and to effectively respond to drought, CEFA has decided to focus its intervention in a highly disadvantaged area, hit by a prolonged drought, increasing access to water through the construction of 10 sources water, equipped with hand pumps and water troughs for livestock, in order to collect water from seasonal rivers.
Coopermondo participates in the project by providing basic training on agribusiness management aimed at strengthening farmers groups and associations: training allows local Field Officers to convey to farmers information and knowledge on the benefits that individual farmers would get by joining into cooperatives, that would maximize the efficiency of their production and face the market in group. This training aspect provides a collective vision in productive activity and access to the market in an area where subsistence agriculture has been the engine of everyday life for a long time.